2022 International Travel Grants Available to Faculty and Graduate Students

Wed, 02/23/2022


Christine Metz Howard

Lawrence, KS – KU International Affairs is accepting proposals and applications for travel grants that support faculty and graduate student research and collaboration abroad.

The deadline for submitting proposals and applications is Friday, March 11. KUIA will notify recipients by Thursday, April 21.

Faculty travel grants will fund summer research projects centered on the international humanities. Grants will also be available for collaborative work with the University of Costa Rica and research in Latin America, as well as institutional exchanges, academic collaborations and research travel in Asia. Graduate student travel grants support internationally focused academic or training opportunities, as well as preliminary dissertation field activities in Latin America.

Grant recipients must use funding by the end of fiscal year 2023 (June 30, 2023). Funds received must be used for activities proposed in the grant application.

The travel awards help foster the international orientation, expertise and outreach of KU while also enriching students’ studies.

The available international travel grants are:


Faculty Grants

International Travel Fund for Humanities Research

The International Travel Fund for Humanities Research supports KU faculty pursuing international humanities research abroad. The fund supports summer research projects. Eligible faculty may receive up to $2,000 to cover airfare and related travel expenses.

>> More information

KU-UCR Exchange Support Fund

KU-UCR Exchange Support and Faculty Research Fund prioritizes support for faculty exchange development between KU and the University of Costa Rica. The fund also supports KU faculty research in Costa Rica or elsewhere in Latin America.

>> More information

South, Southeast and East Asia Fund

The South, Southeast and East Asia Fund is intended to develop, strengthen and maintain institutional exchanges and academic collaborations between KU and counterparts at selected post-secondary institutions in countries within Asia. The fund prioritizes developing new and strengthening existing collaborations on behalf of KU with peer institutions in these countries. The fund also supports faculty research travel to these areas.

>> More information


Graduate Student Grants

International Enhancement Grant

International Enhancement Grants fund graduate students seeking support to pursue semester or summer-long internationally focused academic or training opportunities in Latin America that will enhance their degree programs at KU. The grant supports directed, off-campus international activities in areas that do not duplicate opportunities or coursework available at KU. KUIA funds a small number of grants of up to $1,000 on a competitive basis.

>> More information

Pre-Dissertation Travel Grant

Pre-Dissertation Travel Grants support six- to eight-week trips for preliminary dissertation field activities taking place in Latin America, such as exploring potential research sites, archives and other research resources; establishing institutional affiliations; and identifying and meeting with local scholars and contacts. KUIA will support a limited number of $1,000 grants for pre-comprehensive exams graduate students on a competitive basis.

>> More information


>>More information on travel procedures and guidance for students

>> More information on travel procedures and guidance for faculty

>> More information about KUIA’s funding for international travel grants

Wed, 02/23/2022


Christine Metz Howard