KUIA Funding and Co-Sponsorship Requests
Provide as much information as possible to help International Affairs make its decision. If supported, your request may be fully or partially funded.
KUIA offers supplemental support to units that are planning campus-wide programs that promote internationalization efforts. Internationalization is a strategic, coordinated framework that integrates policies, programs, initiatives, and individuals to make KU more globally oriented and internationally connected. Projects will be evaluated through the lens of Jayhawks Rising and those that promote international partnerships and programming, global student engagement, and faculty and staff internationalization.
In the past, such funding has gone to support departments and student groups hosting international conferences on campus, talks by visiting scholars on international topics, and to support internationally oriented programming. If funding is requested, the maximum award is $500 and is limited to once per academic year. Typical requests average $200.
KUIA will look for projects that:
- Support KU’s strategic international partnerships and/or programming priorities.
- Create student engagement opportunities around international topics or concerns.
- Support faculty and/or staff internationalization and internationalization efforts at KU.
Please email Kim Booth with questions.