Megan Greene

  • Associate Vice Provost for International & Global Engagement
  • Professor of History

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Megan Greene is provost fellow for internationalization and a professor of modern Chinese history in the Department of History. Her research focuses on scientific and technical development efforts in mid-twentieth century China and Taiwan. Her most recent book, Building a Nation at War: Transnational Knowledge Networks and the Development of China during and after World War II (Harvard East Asia Monographs, 2022) centers on Sino-American programs to develop China's scientific and technical knowledge and human resources capacity during the 1940s. She is currently working on a project on industrial standardization in twentieth century China.

Administratively, she has previously served as associate chair of the Department of History (2020-2022), director of faculty programs in International Affairs (Jan. 2017- July 2020), and director of the Center for East Asian Studies (Jan. 2009- Dec. 2015), as well as University Senate president (2011-2012). She also served as co-chair of KU's ACE Internationalization Lab (2020-2022). In her various roles she has developed considerable institutional knowledge and experience pertaining to internationalization. 

As provost fellow for internationalization, she works with individual faculty as well as administrative units to internationalize individual courses and develop a broader framework to support and encourage curricular and faculty internationalization across the university. She is happy to work with any faculty who might be interested in internationalizing their teaching or research or who might be looking for ways to highlight or further develop international work they are already doing.