Joe Potts, Ph.D.

Joe Potts
  • Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Partnership and Innovation

Contact Info

Strong Hall, Room 300


Joe Potts is Associate Vice Provost for International Innovation, Development and Strategic Partnership. In this position, Joe oversees the Applied English Center and International Short Programs. Potts also manages the development and maintenance of strategic international partnerships and models for the university, working with academic leadership in the pursuit of mutually beneficial collaborative relationships that are aligned with KU’s strategic priorities.

He previously served for three years as Associate Dean of International Programs at Purdue University. His recent portfolios at both KU and Purdue also include curricular and co-curricular strategies for developing global and intercultural competence for students, staff and faculty.

Before his tenure at Purdue, he directed International Student and Scholar Services at KU for 14 years. Joe previously lived and worked for several years in both China and Japan, and consulted on development projects in Vietnam. He was a Rotary Foundation ambassador to Brazil and served as a Department of State mission representative in Saudi Arabia.

He has published work on theories of culture, the role of ethics in leadership, and the development of models for measuring the impact of international students on their host campuses. His teaching resume includes English language, leadership studies, and undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy.


Ph.D. in History & Philosophy of Education, Kansas State University
M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, University of Kansas